There are thousands of games available to play. Many of them are in specific forms such as a downloadable app, web-play version or a consol game. However, this does mean that if the game is played in one format, that’s the only way it can be played.

Cross-platform games, such as the solutions provided by Pley, allow games to be played on multiple hardware options. This means that the game can be played in web form, but can also be played against someone who is using a specific video game console or even someone using the app version of that game. In other words, the game can be what’s called cross-saved so that the player’s progress is stored on multiple different servers. Because of this, players can continue playing the game from where they left off, even if they change the platform they access the game from.

Feasibility of cross-platform gaming

These days, it’s getting increasingly easy to have cross-platform play. However, there are still some factors that impede this. For instance, there are different control schemes on computers versus consoles. Additionally, some games are hosted on closed online services with the goal of playing safely. However, major game developers like Sony, have now opened up beta-testing for games like Fortnite for cross-platform play.